Newsbriefs from Chechnya

A collaborative of the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe
and the Informational Center "NGO Counsel" of Chechnya



March 2003

Russian Soldiers Kidnap 2 Brothers
        Russian soldiers kidnapped a resident of Butenko, Ejaev, in the early morning hours of March 11th, 2003.  That same morning, his brother was also kidnapped and driven away.  The reasons for the arrests of Ejaev brothers are unknown.

Residents Arrested in Dishni-Vedeno

        On the morning of March 10 Russian soldiers arrested two local residents of Dishni-Vedeno, Zukariev and Isiev. According to relatives, the soldiers did not explain the reasons for the arrests of the young men.  The whereabouts of the two are unknown.

“Sweeps” in Argun
        On March 9, 2003 heavily armed Russian soldiers blocked Vorohilov and Mel’nichnaya streets. According to available information, the soldiers conducted house searches and checked documents.  Information regarding those arrested has not been received.

Shoot-out Between Russians and Chechens

        A shoot-out took place on the outskirts of Staray Sunja between Russian soldiers and Chechen OMON workers.
        The Russian solders were on their way to conduct a sweep in Staray Sunja.  The Chechen OMONers demanded the right to jointly conduct the sweep.  An argument ensued which ended in open-fire.  Neither side reported injuries or deaths.

Horrifying Discovery in Grozny region
        The body of Bagorni resident, 33-year-old Ilam Hanzaev was discovered on March 6, 2003.  Russian soldiers had previously arrested and taken Hanzaev, the father of 2 children, on February 20.
        It appears that Hanzaev was a victim of an execution-without-trial.  The fate of four other residents—kidnapped along with Hazaev—is still unknown.

Protest Action in Grozny

        On March 5, another protest against exploitation took place in Grozny. Around 200 local residents, mostly women,  protested and demanded the return of their sons, who had disappeared during "sweeps" and night raids by Russian soldiers.

The Extremity of the Situation in Grozny
        According to local residents, armed Russian soldiers took over the regional communist office building and the army draft center.
        That same day Russian soldiers took over two mountain ranges near the Harachoi Vedensk region--Andiisk and Harachisk. Local residents believe that the Russian soldiers were sent here from other regions of the Republic, giving the appearance of a troop withdrawal prior to the upcoming referendum.

The Murder of Alhan-Kala Residents
        On the morning of March 4, 2003 Russian soldiers arrested and took away two young people. Rustam Ismailov and Ibragim Abubakarov served on a refugee-safety post in Chernorech.  Their mutilated bodies were brought to Alhan-Kala from Tolstoi-Urt on the evening of March 10th, 2003.
        Ismailov and Abubakarov were buried in the Alhan-Kala cemetery on March 11th, 2003.

Additional Information

        A local resident of Grozny was released on March 3, 2003. Russian soldiers kidnapped Angela Shahmurzaeva, a mother of two on the nights of January 13, 2003. Aslant Bisultanov and Aslan Muzaev, who were taken with her, were released earlier. According to reports, all three were kept in a pit on one of the Russian military bases where they were constantly tortured.

        Angela's relatives refused to make comments regarding her release. However, there is evidence that the three were released only after the payment of a large sum of money.

        Shahmurzaeva is currently in critical condition.

Taxi Driver Kidnapped in the Gudermesk Region
        On March 2, 2003 Russian soldiers, who served at one of the cehckpoints be tween Novogrozni and Myalh-Chi, abducted Husein Halutaev (aged 50) and took him away in an unknown direction. The kidnapped driver is still considered lost.

Another Victim of Execution-without-Trial
        Two weeks ago, the body of an unknown young man was discovered on the outskirts of Aldi.  The body was taken to the local mosque on March, 2003 where it was identified by relatives and taken to Urus-Martan for burial.

Water and Electricity Have Been Turned off in the Chechen Refugee Camp

        Electricity and water have been turned off since March 1 at the temporary placement camp for refugees "Erzi-Lada" in the outskirts of Nazran. Hundreds of people, including children and the handicapped, have been left without heat and drinking water.

        The lack of payment from the government for communal services has been cited as justification. Local businessmen blame the situation on the lack of financing from the federal center.
        The refugees believe that the circumstances are merely a continuation of the government's political objective of voluntary refugee return.

February 2003

Kidnapping of a Chiri-Urt Resident

        On the morning of February 28 Russian soldiers kidnapped one of the local residents of Chiri-Urt in the Shalinsk region. The name of the victim is unknown.

New Victims of Executions-Without-Trial

        A body of a young man was discovered a few days ago in Chervlennay (Shelkovsk region).  The identity of the victim was impossible to establish, and he was buried in one of the local cemeteries.

        On February 22 the body of an unidentified man was found in Shali.  According to witnesses, the body was unidentifiable due to mutilations and marks of brutal torture. The body of the young man was buried the same day.

The Murder of Young People in Grozny

        On February 22, Russian soldiers shot and killed two unidentified young men at the Grozny train station. According to witnesses, the soldiers loaded the bodies onto a military vehicle and away.  The causes for these executions-without-trial are unknown.

“Sweeps” in Leninsk region of Grozny

        On February 21-22, Russian soldiers in Leninsk region of Grozny carried out another cartel “sweep”.  According to sources, the soldiers did not conduct arrests of peaceful residents during this operation.

“Sweeps” in the Staropromislovsk region in Grozny

    On February 18th, Russian soldiers and workers of the Chechen militia conducted a mass “sweep” in the “Old” village of Staropromislovsk, Grozny. The militiamen and soldiers went into homes, conducted searches with trained search dogs, and examined the documents of men and young people. Information regarding the resulting arrests and kidnappings of this operation has not been given.

The Village Geldigen

        On February 16, an unknown number of armed and camouflaged people broke into Amrudi Djanaliev’s house on Central Street, abducted him, and drove away.

        According to the neighbors, the kidnappers were from a division located in the village and headed by Ramzan Kadirov. Amrudi Djanaliev’s fate is unknown.

The Violence of Soldiers in Pervomaysk

        On February 16th Russian soldiers apprehended 2 brothers, 27-year-old Valid Djabrailov and 24-year-old Aslan in Grozny. Local residents discovered Valid Djabrailov’s severely mutilated body the following day.  The funeral took place on February 18th. The location and fate of the second brother, Aslan, is still unknown.

The Village Kurchaloy

        During the night of February 14 local resident Arbi Vadilov, who lived on Zapadny Street, was kidnapped. The kidnappers were armed and wore camouflage uniforms. According to relatives, the kidnappers forced Arbi into one of their vehicles and disappeared. Vadilov’s location and fate are still unknown.

The Murder of Grozny Region Police Officers

        On February 14th, armed persons in camouflage shot 2 police officers from Octiabr’sk.  One of the victims has been identified as 27-year-old Rustam Nikaev.  The identity of the second officer is not yet known.  According to reports, a search for the criminals is being conducted.

Kidnappings in Chechnya are not Ending — Gehi Village

        On February 12 in Village Ghi (Urus-Martanovsk region), Russian soldiers arrested 35-year-old Nurdi Eskarkhanov, worker of the Oktiabrsk District Department of Internal Affairs, in his residence.

        Approximately ten people drove into the village in a mud-covered car.  According to the Eskarkhanov’s mother, the soldiers awoke her son, forced him into the car, and drove away.

A Mutilated Body is Given to a Chechen Refugee Family

    On January 1st,  Shakarov Visadi Vahaevich (born 1972) was abducted by Russian soldiers working with members of the Chechen armed forces. The abduction occurred at the refugee camp “Satsita,” located on the outskirts of Ordjonikidzevsky Sunjensk region.

    On February 11th, Russian soldiers gave Shakarov’s badly mutilated body to his relatives.  According to relatives, the body was brought from the city Mozdok in Northern Ossetia.

    Visadi’s body was completely burned.  His heart was torn out and his torso was ripped open from the sternum to the lower abdomen.  The muscles of his shoulder were torn and his skull was severely fractured. In addition, the heel of his right foot was severed.

    The reason for the brutal torture and execution of the 30 year-old Chechen refugee, Visadi Shakarov, is unknown.

Kidnapping of a Police Officer in Grozny

        On February 9th armed persons in maskes arrived on military vehicles with mud-covered plates and kidnapped a Chechen police officer, Masud Magomadov, from his residence.

        According to his relatives, the kidnapers placed a bag over the officer’s head and drove away, without permitting him put on his shoes or uniform. It was unclear as to what government agencythe kidnappers belonged. The relatives of Masud Magomadov have unsucessfully attempted to find further information on the location and fate of the victim.

Brutal Murder of Novi Ataga Resident

        A few days ago, Abaev Emin Ahmedovich, a resident of Novi Ataga (Shalinsk region) disappeared.  The following day, Abaev’s severed head was found next to an administrative building. His body was never recovered.

        Abaev was born in 1966 and was the father of 2 small children, and was a close relative of the famous Moscow businessman, Umar Djabrailov.  According to relatives, Abaev was arrested last year by workers of the Russian forces and was released on a few thousand dollars bail.  The cause of Emin Abaev’s brutal murder is unknown.

Explosion in the Center of Grozny

    On February 9th, a massive explosion took place in the negotiations building, located in the center of Grozny.  The building suffered massive damage, however, there were fortunately no casualties.

A New Mass Grave Has Been Discovered in Chechnya

        Local residents discovered another mass grave on February 8th, not far from the residential area of Kapust Naursk in Chechnya.  According to various accounts, the grave contained the bodies of five to seven violently killed men.  A few of the bodies were beheaded.

        The names of some of the “execution without trial” victims were identified.  They are: Husein Magomadov, born in 1970, who was arrested by Russian soldiers in December of last year; Mahmud Alhazurov, arrested in October 2002 in Avangard; Vaha Ikaev, a resident of Alpatov who was kidnapped on October 18, 2002; and Ahmed Israilov, born in 1975, who was taken by soldiers during a “sweeping” of Komsomol’skoye.

        El’murzaev Mahdi and his brother, Komsomol’sk residents, taken in November 2002, also appeared to be among the bodies.

Executions Continue in Chechnya

        On February 7th, local residents of Grozny (Hrustalob St, Octiabarski region) discovered four bodies of young men. According to witnesses, the victims’ hands and feet were bound by wire and black plastic bags covered their heads.  The identities of these young people, who have become additional victims of unlawful executions, are yet unknown.

Kidnapping of Grozny Resident

        On the morning of February 6th, Russian soldiers, who had arrived in military vehicles, kidnaped 30-year-old local resident, Marat Hachukaev, from his residence.  According to Mr. Hachukaev’s relatives, masked soldiers came into their home, woke up Marat and ordered him to gather his documents.  They placed him in one of their vehicles and disappeared. The cause for Hachukaev’s kidnapping is yet unknown.

Kidnapping of Mahketi Residents

        On February 6th, Russian soldiers in mud-covered vehicles drove into Mehketi and arrested Edilov Salavdi (50yrs) and his adult son.  The Salavdis were taken in an unknown direction. The location and fate of the Salavdis is unknown.

Protest in Grozny

        On February 5th, women from numerous regions protested in Grozny. The protesters demanded that maltreatment by Russian troops be stopped. Some carried posters that read “Return our Children,” “Stop Moral Rape!” and others.

“Mop-up” Operation

        On February 4th, Russian soldiers conducted another routine “mop-up” operation in the city of Argun. According to residents, Solnechnaya and Krupskaya Streets were blockaded, two young men were killed, one was badly wounded, and a few people were taken away.

Another Victim of Lawless Executions

        On February 4th, the local residents between Argun and Mesker-Urt discovered a body of an unknown man. The remains of the man, whose identity has been impossible to establish, were delivered to the Argun cemetery, where they were buried on February 10th.

Students arrested

        Lately, Russian soldiers have been arresting students on school grounds. Most of these students disappear after the arrest. Similarly, an 11th grader was arrested a few days ago. His relatives appealed to the government and other state organs, but the student’s whereabouts are still unknown.

        In the beginning of February, a college student disappeared after leaving for class and has not yet been found. Her and the other student’s names are not yet known.

January 2003

Soldiers Open Fire

        On January 31st, Russian soldiers opened artillery fire in the region of Valerik Achkhoj-Martanovsk. As a result of this fire, two young people received shrapnel wounds. Their names are not yet known.

Grozny kidnapping

        On the morning of January 29th, Russian soldiers kidnapped Ahmed Upaev, a thirty-five-year-old father of young children and a resident of Leninsk, Grozny.
 According to neighbors, the soldiers broke into Upaev’s home at dawn and opened fire in the house. Ahmed Upaev was then taken out of the house and driven away, despite his wounds. According to relatives, Ahmed had no relationship whatsoever to military activities.

Woman shot in Alhan Kala

        In the evening of January 29th, unknown persons shot a local woman, Satsita Sugaipova. The shooting took place in the region of Alhan Kala, outside the victim’s house. According to her mother, someone knocked on the window at around eight p.m. and Satsita went outside. Ten to fifteen minutes later, the worried mother decided to see why her daughter was taking so long. She found the dying Satsia in the barn, with a severe headwound. It appeared that the killers had shot at close range.
        Sugaipova’s mother insists that the minute her daughter stepped outside, a feeling of worry overcame her. She remembered the recent murder of the village’s head administrator, Maliki Umagevoi. Sugaipova left behind a daughter, who suffers from acute epilepsy.

Four bodies found near Goragorsk village

        On the morning of January 28th, locals not far from the Goragorsk village in Chechnya discovered a city-bound car containing four dead bodies in camouflage uniforms. According to the locals, the bodies were completely bullet ridden. Guards at the Goragorsk checkpoint admitted that the dead were checkpoint employees. The four dead workers, whose names are not yet known, were of Chechen nationality and came from the Verhneg Naura and Nadterech regions.

New methods of psychological abuse

        During the night of January 27th, Russian soldiers drove through Karl Marx Street on BTRs. They lit the street with powerful headlights and then placed a local woman, Lida, in front of them as a human shield. The soldiers broke into one of the apartments and opened fire. The residents of Karl Marx Street, terrified by the soldiers’ activities, spent a sleepless night awaiting their return and further shooting.

The tyranny continues

        On January 26th, Russian soldiers arrested four people at one of the Baku—Rostov checkpoints. According to witnesses, the arrested people were put into cars and taken in an unknown direction.

The situation in the Vedensk regions is worsening

        On January 25th, Russian soldiers opened artillery fire on Dichni—Vedeno. This lasted from five p.m. on the 25th until the morning of the 26th and resulted in the destruction of the homes of residents Murtazaev, Kikaev and Shamilev. A few people were wounded in various degrees of severity. At the same time, soldiers arrested peaceful citizens in other villages of the region. Four people were arrested in Dishni-Vedeno, of which three names are known: Pashaev, Araphanov and Tahaev. Two people were arrested in Harachoy and in Ersenoy, and the head of the administration of that region was also arrested.

Unlawful Arrests of Chechen Residents

        On January 21st, Russian soldiers unlawfully arrested and took away Baudi Magomadov, thirty years old and a resident of Elestang, in the Vednesk region. According to witnesses, Mr. Magomadov was taken off of a passenger bus that was headed from Grozny to Elestang.

        Later in the day, soldiers arrested Islam Murdalov, an Elestang resident, in the town’s courtyard. He had come from Chervlennay to the house of his wife’s relatives, to be present at a funeral meal. According to the relatives, Murdalov suffered from stomach problems and carried a vial of bread soda with him, which he used during stomach attacks. Upon discovering the vial, the Russian soldiers claimed that Murdalov possessed heroin, then tied his hands together and took him in an unknown direction. Murdalov’s wife passed away and Islam’s small children are now orphans. Murdalov’s relatives have been searching for him in vain.