Optimism for Human Rights
Improvement in Chechnya is Incomprehensible
The Situation in the Chechen Republic in April-May 2002
GROZNY – The war in Chechnya is being fought in a way that could continue
for decades.
Landmines are still
frequently set off in Chechen cities and villages, killing both Russian
soldiers and police and also civilians – women, children, and old people.
Anytime this happens, Russian law enforcement responds with harsh punitive
operations directed against the entire civilian population.
The situation in the
Chechen Republic is deteriorating continually in all respects, despite
Moscow’s cheery announcements and the optimistic coverage by Russian television
news channels.
Some Western politicians
are making baseless statements that the observance of human rights has
improved substantially. In fact, the people of Chechnya are not only deprived
of all civil and human rights, they lack even the most basic of all rights
– the right to life.
Terrorist acts directed
against the civilian population of the Chechen Republic have reached unprecedented
scope and methods. Because law enforcement agencies – most notably
the prosecutor’s office – are entirely non-functional, both street crime
and war crimes are part of daily existence in Chechnya. The growth
of criminality in the Republic is staggering.
Extra-legal executions and other punishments have become the norm.
Whereas earlier, members of the Chechen militia and government were the
targets, now nearly every night people who are just socially active or
civic leaders are being killed. These targeted civilian killings have filled
Chechen society with fear and desperation.
Russia’s military
leadership has long known that the tactics associated with the “inspection
of the passport regime” are an ineffective means for subduing Chechen fighters.
The inspections – better known as mop-up operations – are nothing more
than state-sponsored terrorism directed at the Chechen people. They
go hand in hand with theft, vandalism, and bribery. More than 90
percent of those arrested during mop-ups have no connection whatsoever
to the independence fighters. Of those arrested, the lucky ones are
bought out of captivity by their families; they return beaten, crippled
and hardly alive. Frequently, however, the family finds only a mutilated
corpse and then is often forced to buy the corpse for burial.
The formal military
doctrine governing the operation in Chechnya outlines a set of principles
regulating operations regarding the “inspection of the passport regime.”
Officially, “passport inspections” are supposed to be under strict administrative
and legal control in order to prevent any human rights violations. In fact,
as soon as this doctrine was enacted, the violations became more egregious.
While in 2001, mop-up operations occurred sporadically in various towns
and villages, in 2002, multiple operations have frequently been conducted
in several areas simultaneously. In some areas (Grozny, Stariye Atagi,
Argun, Urus-Martan, Alkhan Yurt and Tsotsin-Yurt), mop-up operations are
a regular occurrence. Each operation targets dozens of people, and
hundreds disappear without a trace. Russian soldiers reserve a special
sort of cruelty and sadism for the mop-up operations, beating, torturing,
and crippling innocent people.
Due to the work of Chechen
human rights organizations, information on these unprecedented human rights
violations occurring during mop-up operations in Chechnya has become available
to people in Russia and to the international community.
The Russian army has been
conducting regular mop-up operations in the town of Argun. Twice
in a short period of time, Russian troops attacked local schools.
School Number 4 was attacked on March 28, while students were on break,
and School Number 1 was attacked on April 10. According to administrators
of School Number 4, Russian troops approached and claimed that they had
information that guerrilla fighters used the school basement as a hideout.
There was an explosion in the school, after which the soldiers began shooting
indiscriminately. Approximately 10 people were wounded in the attack
and a cow was killed. As the soldiers left the school grounds, they
continued to fire into the streets. A young boy who heard the shooting
tried to hide in a store, but the bullets penetrated the wooden door.
He was hit in both arms and both legs.
On April 10, troops
arrived at School Number 1 in armored carriers with the serial numbers
blacked out. They broke into the building and beat up a number of
students in the gym, as well as attacking members of the Chechen militia
who were trying to protect the children. The soldiers answered all
questions with obscenities. Many students, traumatized, did not return
to school the next day.
According to Chechen
human rights organizations, on April 23 Russian troops conducted another
mop-up operation in Argun. Russian soldiers arrived at the train
station in armored personnel carriers without serial numbers, surrounded
a group of men and tried to arrest them. In order to prevent the
men from running away, and to prevent bystanders from interfering, the
soldiers opened fire. Several people were wounded. Witnesses
living near the train station saw the troops fire on unarmed people.
Ramzan Mazayev, who was simply walking by, was seriously injured.
Bystanders begged to be allowed to help him, but in vain. Mazayev
died on the street amid dozens of witnesses. Some, watching from
far away, saw the soldiers place a grenade in Mazayev’s pocket, lay their
guns down next to his body, and then film him with a video camera.
Only then did the soldiers leave the scene, leaving Mazayev and four wounded
men lying on the street along with the other men who were surrounded and
shot at for no apparent reason.
According to the public
press center in the city of Nazran (Ingushetia), on April 17, 2002, Russian
troops opened fire in the village of Vashindoroy in the Shatoy region at
4:00 pm. Two sisters, ages 3 and 11, died, and their 9-year-old brother
was seriously wounded. The children were playing in their yard when
the shooting began. The boy’s relatives asked the troops to take
him by helicopter to the military hospital in Vladikavkaz, but they refused.
Instead, he was placed in the local hospital.
A Russian regiment
stationed in the village of Borzoy carried out the shooting. According
to residents, Colonel Tarasov had threatened the head of the Vashindoroy
village administration that he would shell the village on the previous
day. Residents believe that the colonel was simply making good on
his threat.
At the end of March,
a mop-up operation took place in Tsotsin-Yurt, after the murder of a local
Russian contract soldier, a man who had been particularly rude and cruel
in his relations with the local population. Villagers claim that
he was killed by a fellow soldier. Nevertheless, the day after the
murder, Russian troops surrounded the village. At that point, there was
an unexpected explosion. It turned out that a bomb had been planted
on a passing car. Ten Russian soldiers were injured, and one died.
Afterwards, as the villagers had feared, troops arrived from Khakala, Gudermes,
and from the military base located between Oyskhara and Tsentoroy.
The mop-up operation was
particularly cruel, gathering up men and taking them to a makeshift filtration
camp on the outskirts of the village. The detainees were not only cruelly
tortured, but also subjected to electric shocks by soldiers mockingly suggesting
that they “call up distant relatives.” Men returned from this camp
half alive; some had had their fingers crushed. Many ended up at
the camp more than once. A total of 280 people were detained.
The rest of the men in the village had been threatened with arrest, but
managed to bribe themselves out of it.
Soldiers broke into
private homes at night, searching down women in a vulgar manner and committing
vandalism and theft. Soldiers stole 13 carpets from one home. Three
houses were completely destroyed – one burnt down and two exploded.
Several people taken
to the filtration camp never returned to the village. Their relatives
and village leaders are now looking for them. In early April, the
bodies of three men from Tsotsin-Yurt were found near the village of Bachi-Yurt
in Kurchaloy region. All three had been brutally beaten.
In early May, a mop-up
operation – particularly vicious, according to witnesses – was carried
out in the village of Alkhan-Yurt. Several people were killed in
the operation, including women, who were killed with extreme cruelty.
They were beaten, tortured, and cursed. Their dead bodies were horribly
mutilated; their flesh had turned black from the blows.
The situation in the
city of Grozny remains very disturbing. Russian armed forces periodically
carry out mop-up operations in various neighborhoods. They arrest
innocents, most of whom disappear without a trace or return home beaten
and crippled. Russian troops regularly conduct raids in the city,
arresting anyone who does not have a Grozny residence permit. In
the end, most people arrested during these raids are freed – usually for
a bribe – but some detainees have never been heard from again.
In addition to the
widespread mop-up operations, Russian troops also carry out so-called “address
checks” in every town and village in Chechnya. Every day dozens of
people, most with no connection whatsoever to the guerillas, are subjected
to address checks.
The mop-ups and other
checks and raids constitute an act of ethnocide against the Chechen people.
These operations are destroying the population of men between 15 and 40
years of age. Without convicting them of any crimes, Russian soldiers
arrest and kill healthy, strong men and boys, claiming that they are potential
terrorists and guerillas.
The observance of
human rights in Chechnya is not increasing; in fact, the situation it is
deteriorating with each passing day. The optimism of international
organizations responsible for observing the progress of human rights protection
in Chechnya is incomprehensible.
Perhaps the progress
will become more visible when the entire Chechen nation has been destroyed.
* * *
Dispatches from Chechnya are prepared by correspondents in Chechnya and distributed in English by the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE), a non-profit organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to the promotion of democracy and pluralism in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. For more information about IDEE, its programs, and the situation in Chechnya, visit the IDEE webpage at www.idee.org. To receive Dispatches by email, please write to IDEE at: <idee@idee.org>.
Eric Chenoweth and Irena Lasota, Co-Directors, IDEE