The situation in Belarus is becoming increasingly serious. Due to gross violations of human rights, antidemocratic electoral legislation and the impotence of the legislature and judiciary, the election farce of 15 October 2000 was not recognized as being free and fair by international organizations. The activity of the legitimate parliament of Belarus, the Supreme Soviet, has been paralyzed. Belarus is now under the direct threat of being incorporated into Russia. The regime considers civil society an enemy. The Belarusan language and culture are subject to discrimination. The dictatorial regime and totalitarian ideology based on anti-western rhetoric threaten to destabilize the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe.
We morally support the aspirations of democratic elements in Belarusan society to consolidate. Coalitions are being created on the regional and national levels, within the third sector (the Assembly of Democratic NGOs) as well as among political parties and organizations (The Coordinating Council of Democratic Forces). If the international community can maintain a consistent position, the unification of democratic forces on the eve of the presidential election will provide Belarus with a real opportunity to free itself from dictatorship.
We appeal to non-governmental institutions and members of parliaments in countries of the region as well as to the entire democratic world to support the aspirations of Belarusan society to defend democracy and the independence of the country, and namely: