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You Can Help

How You Can Help
There are several ways you can help the Chechen people and the international
movement to end Russia’s savage war in Chechnya:
Support IDEE’s Chechnya Information and Support Fund, which
goes to support Chechen NGOs and their work to disseminate first-hand information
about the situation inside Chechnya, including the publication of Dispatches
from Chechnya in English, and their work to develop the civil society
in Chechnya. Make checks to IDEE (Chechnya Fund) and send to: 1808 Swann
Street, Suite A, Washington, DC 20009 USA.
Support the work of Khassan Baiev,
the front-line surgeon from Chechnya and author of The Oath,
and chairman of the International
Committee for the Children of Chechnya. Dr. Baiev has worked to uphold
the Hippocratic oath by treating both Chechens and Russians wounded in
Chechnya, and his organization provides humanitarian and medical aid to
Chechnya's children.
Join the international actions of European Parliamentarian Olivier Dupuis
and the Transational Radical Party
in their efforts to support Chechen foreign minister Ilyas Akhmadov’s peace
plan for Chechnya and to encourage the EU, the European Parliament,
the Council of Europe, and the U.N. to take action to pressure Russia to
put an end to the war in Chechnya.
For further information
regarding this program, please contact Eric Chenoweth or Irena Lasota at
[email protected].
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