Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe
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Latta - Grozny, Chechnya
Lecha Ilyasov, Director

LATTA, founded in 2002, is a civic, informational, educational, and advocacy non-governmental organization, which works to monitor, research, and disseminate information about the situation in Chechnya and to promote peaceful resolutions to the war. 

 LATTA's members are long-standing civic and democracy activists in Chechnya. They monitor the situation on the ground and gather information in order to produce and distribute the monthly Dispatches from Chechnya, an information bulletin begun in September 2000. Dispatches from Chechnya provides first-hand reports on the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Chechnya and the refugee camps as well as information on Russian media coverage of the Chechen war.  Dispatches, first prepared in cooperation with the NGO Lam, is now prepared solely by LATTA. Dispatches is distributed in English by Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe to a wide range of opinion and policy makers, the Centers for Pluralism Network, and its current issues and full archive are available on IDEE's website.

 In addition to Dispatches, Latta puts out publications and organizes seminars and conferences aimed at building a consensus around a democratic and peaceful end to the war in Chechnya and at promoting civic and democratic solutions to the vast problems confront war-torn Chechnya. Its seminars are among the few forums for different parts of the Chechen community to discuss solutions to the conflict together.

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 Tel: (202) 667-6300 · Fax: (202) 667-0032  · E-mail: [email protected]