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Cuba Chronicle of Events
& Assessment: Cuba

As part of its Democracy for Cuba Program (2005-11), the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe launched two new publications: Cuba Chronicle of Events and Assessment: Cuba. The Cuba Chonicle of Events was an ongoing news bulletin concerning the Cuban democracy movement, the repression used by the regime against it, and other news affecting the democracy movement. The name is a variation on the Chronicle of Current Events published by the Russian dissident community starting in the 1960s. Assessment: Cuba provided a regular review of the situation in Cuba. Both were prepared by Alexander Podrabinek, editor-in-chief of the PRIMA News Agency based in Moscow, which reported on human rights and democracy issues in Cuba for 10 years. The two publications were issued jointly by PRIMA and IDEE and were issued in three languages (English, Russian, and Spanish). The English editions are available through the links below. All three language editions were posted on the Democracy for Cuba web site.

Assessment Cuba

No. 20   February 2009: "No Changes in Thirty Years"
No. 19   October 2008: "EU to Cuba: Let's Be Friends or Else"
No. 18   September 2008: "Three Disasters in Cuba"
No. 17:  July 2008: "Pleasant Propaganda — Unpleasant Reality"
No. 16:  June 2008: "The European Union's Childish Dreams"
No. 15   May-June 2008: "A Brand of a Generation: Che Guevara"
No. 14   April 2008: "Cuban Communism: Last Shallow Breath or Second Wind"
No. 13   March 2008: "No Tears of Joy"
No. 12   February 2008: "Opposition: The Resistance Is Continuing"
No. 11   January 2008: "2007: A Year of Expectations"
No. 10   October 2007: Special Issue: Speech of Rene Gomez Manzano to Human Rights Group
No. 9     June-July 2007
No. 8     April 2007
No. 7     March 2007
No. 6     February 2007
No. 5     January 2007
No. 4     December 2006
No. 3     February 2006
No. 2     January 2006
No. 1     November 2005

Cuba Chronicle of Events (English edition)

No. 65  December  1-15, 2008
No. 64  November  15-30, 2008
No. 63  November 1-15, 2008
No. 62  October 16-30, 2008
No. 61  October 1-15, 2008
No. 60  September 16-30, 2008
No. 59  September 1-15, 2008
No. 58  July 16-30, 2008
No. 57  July 1-15, 2008
No. 56  June 16-30, 2008
No. 55  June 1-15, 2008  
No. 54  May 16-31, 2008
No. 53  May 1-15, 2008
No. 52  April 16-30, 2008
No. 51  April 1-15, 2008 
No. 50  March 16-31, 2008
No. 49  March 1-15, 2008
No. 48  February 16-29, 2008
No. 47  February 1-15, 2008
No. 46  January 16-31, 2008
No. 45  January 1-15, 2008
No. 44  December 1-31, 2007
No. 43  November 1-30, 2007
No. 42  October 16-31, 2007
No. 41  October 1-15, 2007
No. 40  September 16-30, 2007
No. 39  September 1-15, 2007 (includes August)
No. 38  July 1-31, 2007
No. 37  June 1-30, 2007
No. 36  May 16-31, 2007
No. 35  May 1-15, 2007
No. 34  April 16-31, 2007
No. 33  April 1-15, 2007
No. 32  March 1-31, 2007
No. 31  February 16-28, 2007 
No. 30  February 1-15, 2007
No. 29  January 16-31, 2007
No. 28  January 1-15, 2007
No. 27  December 15-31, 2006
No. 26  November 15-December 15, 2006
No. 25  November 1-15, 2006
No. 24  October 16-31, 2006
No. 23  October 1-15, 2006 
No. 22  September 1-30, 2006
No. 21  August 16-31, 2006
No. 20  August 1-15, 2006
No. 19  July 1-31, 2006
No. 18  June 16-31, 2006
No. 17  June 1-15, 2006
No. 16  May 15-31, 2006
No. 15  May 1-15, 2006
No. 14  April 15-April 30, 2006
No. 13  March 20-April 15, 2006
No. 12  March 15-31, 2006
No. 11  March 1-15, 2006
No. 10  February 20-28, 2006
No. 9    February 10-20, 2006
No. 8    February 1-10, 2006
No. 7    January 20-30, 2006
No. 6    January 10-20, 2006
No. 5    December 10-20, 2005
No. 4    December 1-10, 2005

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For more information or to receive either of the publications by email attachment in Russian or English, contact IDEE by email at [email protected] or write 1718 M Street, NW, No. 147, Washington, D.C. 20036

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Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE)
Eric Chenoweth or Irena Lasota, co-Directors
1718 M Street, NW, No. 147 · Washington, D.C. 20036
 Tel: (202) 466-7105 · E-mail: [email protected]
Eric Chenoweth and Irena Lasota, Directors